Keran National Park

When holidaying in Togo, you must visit the Keran National Park. This sanctuary is very well known for the variety of wildlife it is home to. There are African elephants, Nile crocodiles, olive baboons and so many more. The safari here is a very enjoyable and a true learning experience. It contains one-third of all the national parks of Togo.


This is an incredible landscape famous for being a UNESCO site. It is situated in northern Togo. Rustic villages that have houses constructed like those in the colonial times, thatched roofs and adobe walls can be found here. Get a glimpse of the tribal folk and traditional life as well as the absolutely breath-taking mountain-topped views of horizons, lush greenery and bushlands.


Aneho is a famous ancient city which was developed in the 1600s. It was discovered by Guin people who came from Glidji. This city provides an insight into the history of Togo. The feel of the entire city is like that of an ancient time, a time much before us. Make sure that you visit Aneho on your trip to Togo.

Togo Mountains

If you visit Togo and don’t pay one visit to this mountain range, your trip is definitely incomplete. The scenic beauty of the Togo Mountains is something that should not be missed. This is a prominent tourist attraction here. When exploring these on your trek, you may come across African Wild dogs as well. The trekking experience is definitely worth the time and money.


Palm trees burst from the mud-caked tin shacks and low-lying bungalows of Togo’s outdoorsy hub. A town set beneath the jungle-dressed ridges of the Plateaux Region and peppered with German colonial relics and the occasional European-style church spire, it’s famed for its backcountry and bazaars. The former yields up gushing waterfalls at spots like Tomegbe and Kpoeta and offers the hiking trails of Mount Agou (the highest in the country). The latter means craft sellers whittling away at Voodoo wood carvings, interesting ceramic creations, mysterious religious trinkets, and – of course – coffee beans, cacao, and tropical fruits.
A visit to Togo will leave you with so much peace and satisfaction. That is exactly what the country is about. The people are warm and welcoming, there is so much to do and see. There are opportunities for shoppers as well. There is backward, historic towns and forward towns, there’s silence and there’s sound. This country has everything a true travelling heart yearns and loves. The Parisian boulevards, cafes and old architecture will surely win your heart and make you its own.

Other Tourist Sites

Togoe Lake


Fosse Aux Lions National Park


Nok & Mampoug Cave Dwelling

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